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M E T A L M A N 9
M E T A L M A N 9
Ph: 204-223-7809
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September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me
September 7, 2022 Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me. What are the odds Eh !!! This was one rare day. Monty had reached out to me via email quite some time ago and again very recently. The idea was to meet up somewhere and metal detect together. One can learn a lot this way and make good friends in the process. We’d agreed to meet at Winnipeg Beach. It’s an easy place to find, the detecting and digging is easy on a sandy beach. And, this being after a super-hot long weekend, I figured that we would hopefully find lots of items lost by the weekend beach goers’. I told Monty that I drive a Red Grand Caravan. That I’d park at a specific location and that we’d meet at 8:30 AM. Monty got there a little early. Sees a Red Grand Caravan near the agreed to location and sees a metal detectorist already busy at the beach. (No, I would never do that to someone that I agree to meet) but what are the odds… and this individual’s first name also starts with the letter “R”. That early riser was Randy. You most definitely want to follow the links at the end of this story. Randy has been at the detecting game for a great many years and has actually made international news with one of his finds. I arrived at 8:30, met Monty and we both had quite a laugh about the odds of this other guy “Randy” and of his choice of vehicle and vehicle color. We got geared up, got onto the beach, met up with Randy and the 3 of us had a great conversation about detecting and about locations and about permissions and more. We met up again later in the day and shared yet more detecting tips and swapped stories. These are highlight moments as metal detecting tends to be a solitary hobby but the sharing of knowledge between friends is priceless. Half of the day was beach detecting, the other half I focused on the water itself. I split the accompanying pictures with the underwater finds first, then the beach finds. Yes, that angry curly piece of metal was indeed underwater… ouch! I did recover one Loony (1993) and Monty found two .22 short bullet casings and I’d found a third one as well. Guns on a public beach? What’s up with that? Is that for pest control or crowd control? The brown transparent bean looking thing is weathered glass. I assume it is very old. The rocks are just cool looking and I will put them through a rock tumbler. I was blessed by lady luck today. I came across two rings. The better of the two was just at the water’s edge. It looks to me like a small emerald in the centre with diamond chips all around. We have a good friend who is a jeweller. I’ll know more about the ring and stones later. The second ring was a better quality piece of costume jewellery. Key word: Was. Time and the elements have not been kind to this ring. For some strange reason, my darling wife thought these rings would look good in her shoe shaped ring holder. Will I get them back ? The coins found are old but the conditions are not great. The oldest is a Canadian Penny (1932) featuring King George the V. It’s a common coin with high mintage with 21.3 million coins issued. The other pennies are 1937 and 1954. The loony is dated 1988. A small cell type battery was found as well as an older copper snap button with a stylized emblem. All and all a great day with gorgeous weather. Met with and made some new friends. Gained a great number of good pointers about metal detecting and found some nice treasure in the process. It simply doesn’t get better than this. Roger h t t p s : / / w i n n i p e g . c t v n e w s . c a / m a n i t o b a - m a n - f i n d s - l o n g - l o s t - m i l i t a r y - bracelet-on-beach-returns-to-family-of-scottish-pilot-1.5819194 h t t p s : / / w w w . c b c . c a / n e w s / c a n a d a / m a n i t o b a / l o s t - i d - b r a c e l e t - g i m l i - scotland-air-force-training-base-1.6375496
Index September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me September 7, 2022 - Monty, Randy, Winnipeg Beach, and Me